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Ep. 30. Self as an Instrument for Transformational Change: The Synthesis of Coding, Organizational Development, and Relational Gestalt Work.
Rafael Cortina interviews John Hovell
John Hovell is the Co-Founder of Stratactical and is a self-described Relational-Organizational-Gestlat expert. John opines that you “cannot take a group (or organization) where you have not gone yourself.” John learned through his organizational development (OD) practice that you don’t want to make the client wrong but, rather, meet the client halfway. He is most passionate about knowledge development, organizational development, and Relational-Organizational-Gestalt consulting. John pays attention to the small and big details, including what is going on inside his body, within himself, within groups, and between groups. He looks at “levels of system.” Specifically, he looks at the system by considering the following realms: Intrapersonal, interpersonal, subgroup, whole system, bounded system, etc. He likens the OD perspective to Gestalt work. He looks at “self” as an instrument for change and illumination. John discusses his overall purpose: “This body, experience, and consciousness is a gift. My purpose is to share this gift in a relational way.”